Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Holden Daniels Post: Four San Francisco high school students shot


Four students, three male and one female, were shot Tuesday in the parking lot of a San Francisco high school, according to police. One student is in critical condition.The four victims have been confirmed as students by the San Francisco Unified School District.
I think that this is awful especially since this person did it for no apparent reason, these things happen and i feel bad, its just sad what goes on in the world today.


  1. This is absolutely terrible and sad.

  2. I totally agree! He probably had a mental illness which makes me sad that his parents didn't help him or even keep a watch on him. I pray they are safe and heal soon.

  3. Why is it always kids that get shot? It really makes me mad how people have the pleasure to take lives away, this man should've gone to a mental institution from the start.

  4. I agree it is sad what goes on all over the world today. I ad no idea there could be so many people that made these kinds of choices and shoot innocent lives. I have read other blogs, and have realized shooters can be anywhere and there are more than we could expect.

  5. I agree, what a tragedy. People with guns have no business being as a school. We need to tighten security at schools to keep things like this from happening

  6. That's so sad. There are so many shootings at schools these days which means schools need to keep their students safe
