Sunday, October 30, 2016

Brandalin Angrum 5

          A homeschool mom is sentenced to six months in jail for a minor paperwork mistake. She was sentenced to 180 days in jail for not submitting her paper work in on time. As she pulled her son out of school, around January of 2015, the school told her she had to give him a end of the year assesment, and to turn in it, but she was told that there was no deadline for it. In September of 2015 the mom was preparing to to send in her paperwork when she was notified that it was due August 1, but was told there was no due date.

          Meaning her child was counted absent for 6 weeks, and that turned into a court date. As she was charged with "Contributing to the delinquency" of a minor. I honestly believe she doesn't deserve to be in jail, because it is the schools fault. They told her that there was no due date, which lead her to believe she could of turned it in whenever needed or ready to do so. That's honestly not fair to her or her child.


  1. This is crazy! It's a good idea but 180 days is a little much. People need reglations in life to keep the children in school but I wish that they have told her multiple times because people make mistakes and she deserves grace.

  2. It seems like the mother was unaware of the circumstances. There might have been some way to find out the deadline that she may have missed.
