Monday, October 17, 2016

"George Zimmerman road rage incident: Man sentenced in shooting" -Ellen Whitehead

In May of 2016, a road rage occurred to where Matthew Apperson followed and threatened George Zimmerman by flashing his lights, honking, etc. Apperson then pulled up beside Zimmerman and shot at him but missed. Thinking he had killed Zimmerman, Apperson then "celebrated" the fact that he had killed him. He had no respect for him. In the trials, Apperson turned the story around and claimed that Zimmerman was threatening him. However, Zimmerman had committed second-degree murder in 2013 so the odds were stacked against him. Apperson was voted guilty and sent to jail for 20 years. I feel that if people made a mistake they should own up to it rather than making a bigger deal out of it. Apperson should've admitted to it instead of making up his own story and causing confusion and wasting time.

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