Wednesday, October 24, 2012

2 U.S. climbers found dead in Peru mountains Natalie Rodriguez

- The bodies of two American climbers were discovered Saturday afternoon in the mountains of Peru, ending a days-long search for the men, friends and family said. One man says "These are two of the finest climbers we have known ... embodying the spirit of the mountains with every thing they did," an announcement on Tomnod's site said. "Many of us have had the honor of sharing in their love for the wilderness, and that lives on."an they will be deadly missed


  1. Do they know how the two climbers died?

  2. It's sad, but I am glad they found them so there are no questions pertaining to where they were when they died.

  3. How long were the two men missing? That's really sad that the men didn't get to return from their climb, but at least their bodies were found rather than lost.

  4. This is very sad but it's good that they found the body so there aren't any questions or doubt.
