Monday, October 22, 2012

Big Tex Burns Down - Phoebe Aleman

  Fire has destroyed Big Tex, leaving behind little more than the metal frame of the 52-foot-tall metal-and-fabric cowboy that's an icon of the State Fair of Texas.
  Some fabric that made up the towering structure's hands and sleeves still could be seen as firefighters gathered around the scorched area Friday.
  Big Tex's 75-gallon hat, 50-pound belt buckle and slow drawl have been greeting state fair visitors since 1952. This year's fair, which closes Sunday, had been celebrating Big Tex's 60th birthday.
Fair spokeswoman Sue Gooding says she doesn't know the cause of the fire but did note electrical controls move Big Tex's mouth and head.
  Gooding says no one was injured in the fire and added that she expects Big Tex to be back for next year's state fair.

There is a video of the whole thing. From the start to pretty much the finish. Not the best quality (its on a cellphone camera after all) but it shows most of it.


  1. I still can't believe this happened!

  2. NOOOOO!!!! He was almost a senoir citizen! Except without the citizen part. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Adios Big Tex. When we get a new one he should be named Bigger Tex.
