Sunday, October 13, 2013

7 red cross workers kidnapped JULIA WOLTJEN

SUMMARY: 7 volunteer workers from the red cross have been kidnapped by terrorists in Syria. these kidnappings have risen in the last year, a lot of these kidnappings have been of volunteer workers. They were taken when they were stopped on the side of the rode, once stopped they were seized...and haven't been seen since. 

ANALYSIS: This is completely ridiculous and shouldn't be happening. These workers and volunteers are going to help others. This work is so dangerous but it is needed so much, these workers should have protection and clearance to go into these areas.


  1. I agree that these workers need protection becasue all they are trying to do is help

  2. I think tat this is awful these people went there to help then they should not be kidnaped by the people they are trying to help.
