Monday, October 28, 2013

Mexican drug lord killed by a clown JULIA WOLTJEN

SUMMARY:  Last week Francisco Rafael Arellano Felix was shot to death by a gunman dressed in a clown suit, rubber nose, big shoes, the whole package. Felix was the oldest member of mexico's once feared Arellano Felix clan. On, Wednesday clowns gathered at a convention in Mexico city and all the attendees agree that the killer was not one of them. Their evidence is that all the clowns in Mexico and surrounding states know each other and their outfits, nobody recognized the shooter to be a fellow clown.

ANALYSIS:  The killer certainly had a weird way of covering his tracks, but the fact that a drug lord is no longer on the streets is reassuring. The fact that he was murdered is not. Police need to solve this any other murder, if not quicker since he was a drug lord.


  1. I agree. It is good that the drug lord is now off the streets, but that means a new one is just going to replace him eventually because of the demand for drugs, and the police still need to find the murderer.

  2. I think it's kind of amusing that he dressed up as a clown--although the death of the drug lord certainly isn't funny. Like Josie said, their will probably be a new drug lord soon since as there is still demand for it. I hope they're able to catch the murder, and that he doesn't kill anybody else.
