Sunday, October 13, 2013

Anjelica "Baby Hope" - Max Gaddis

Twenty-two years ago a 4 year old girl was badly raped, smothered, and dumped unceremoniously in an ice chest by a New York roadway in 1991. She was so badly disfigured that police had to do several sketches of what she might've looked like. No one knew who she was until Saturday. The girl's sister called in an anonymous tip last week and said that her parents killed her sister some years back. Anjelica Castillo would've been 28 by now, if her cousin had not Smothered her while raping her. She was never reported missing. Conrado Juarez is charged with murder. He says he saw the girl in the hallway at 30 years old at a family gathering and raped her with a pillow over her face. When she went still, he called his sister and she told him to get rid of the body. They folded it in half and tied it up, then tossed it in a cooler. They called a cab and dumped it on the side of the road. The sister is now deceased, and Juarez confessed to the murder.

What I want to know is why did the parents not say anything? Why didn't Anjelica's sister talk about this earlier? Why did Juarez rape the girl? Why did it take this long for tips to come up about the murder? Why? This is terrible.

1 comment:

  1. Rape is bad enough, but raping a four year old, that's basically unheard of. I hope this man spends the rest of his life in jail. He never deserves to see the light of day again.
