Monday, October 28, 2013

Money for virginity by Gabriel David Giron Vives

Summery: Some woman in columbia sold her 12 daughters virginity once they had reached the age of 12. One of the girls got pregnant and told the police. The Columbian woman, Margarita de Jesus Zapata Moreno, was arrested this week. The police also arrested the man who got one of the girls pregnant. Some officers say that they were forced to do other things, such as drink and do drugs. They also say that 2 of her kids were not forced to do this yet, one 11 year old boy and a 9 year old girl.

Analysis: Well. Huh. This world gets more interesting by the moment. I don't know why. No. I Don't want to know why. Just. bleh. The fact that this still happens is just, Bleh. I feel like this is how most of my analysis' go, but, come on! Can the world just stop being gross and disgusting for one moment! Please!? Can't the news be like, " Fluffy Bunnies get even Fluffier!" or something like that? Please? The news now a days is just like, "New disease gives fluffy bunnies AIDS." Seriously! NO! Ok. I'm Done. 

Here's the link. 

Enjoy your lives everyone. 


  1. Glad she is no longer ruining her kids lives. Those poor kids......I mean one of them has a baby, what the heck! Hope that they can overcome this and still live decent lives.

  2. That's horrible anyone would do that to their own children.
