Monday, October 28, 2013

A little boy survives hit and run. By; Kindle Kelley

Lorenzu Cantu survives a terrible hit and run shortly before his Birthday Party. Since neighbors had surveillance cameras they saw exactly what had happened. Family is just happy that the little 7 year old was able to have a birthday. They celebrated his birthday on Sunday but family says "better later than never." The Hit and Run driver still has not confessed, they are still looking for him. The little boy survived with only a concussion.

I think personally that whoever hit this poor little boy should come confess, because what if  it happened to another little kid but this time the injuries are more serious. That is how I see it. If this happened to my little brother I would seriously be so scared. I am so glad that this little boy is okay, and I hope they find out who hit him. I cant believe that you could just hit a child, and not stop, knowing that they could possibly be dead. That is terrible to me, I hope that he had a great birthday party because he deserves it.



  1. gosh that is really terrible!!!!

  2. That's so sad, especially on his birthday, but I'mglad he is alright.

  3. That's so sad! I hope they find the person who did this.

  4. This is horrible! I hope they find whoever hit the little boy. I don't see why the person who hit him didn't stop or confess, that's just wrong!
