Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Cellphone saves life by Zoey Crummey

On Monday in the early hours of the morning, a man attempted an armed robbery against a gas station clerk. He walked in and demanded the man open the safe after he pulled out his gun. The clerk tried twice to open the safe but failed, so the robber fired a bullet at him and ran. Lucky for the clerk the bullet was stopped by his cellphone, and he suffered only minor injuries. "the worker had no idea the bullet had hit his cellphone until he pulled it out of his shirt pocket."

This is pretty incredible, to think that a man would be so lucky that the robber shot it right where his cellphone was and that the bullet would actually be stopped! On the other hand, this shows what a problem guns are, this man could have been seriously injured if not killed if he wasn't insanely lucky. Guns are a very serious problem in our society, one that needs to be stopped. 



  1. This is absolutely incredible! Who knew that a phone could save your life! Well, being able to call 911 on it too!

  2. This is amazing! That man is incredibly lucky. I agree with what you said about guns--the man probably would have died if it weren't for the cellphone.

  3. This is definitely one of gods miracles! If that phone wouldn't have been there he for sure would have died. I can't believe the phone actually stopped the bullet!

  4. This is awesome!!! I had no idea that cell phones could do that.

  5. This is amazing! I agree on the guns, people need to take guns seriously. People shouldn't use guns on humans at any point in time!

  6. Thank gosh he had that phone in his pocket!!!! That's scary!!! If you think about it, the phone should have caused an explosion! Luckily it didnt! Now I feel bad he will have to go and buy another phone! :(
