Monday, October 28, 2013

Brazil talks abortion by Polly Hynds-Riddle

in brazil it is illegal to have an abortion and many people don't think it should be changed but congressmen are debating whether or not to change them. many people thing they are necessary as i said before but one woman, even though she went through and illegal abortion, thinks they need to keep the laws but just loosen them.

i think that abortion should be up to the women and not be illegal because it is their body and life and they know what they can and cannot provide for the child. Another reason is many women risk their health to have a "back ally abortion"



  1. I also think that abortion should be the choice of the woman. It's her future and her body, and it would be better anyway to have a safe abortion rather than the back ally, which has a higher risk of injury during the surgery that could result in death.

  2. I agree with you both, but abortion is actually a very hard and complicated topic. There's the idea that yes, it's the woman's body, but we also come to the case of using it to kill a child as contraception. I'm not sure where I stand on the topic but yes, I do think woman should have the right, but they also need to respect the right too.

  3. To be honest, i dont really agree with most abortions. I think the woman's choice is usally made before they get pregnant, however there are some senarios (like rape) where I think abortion is an acceptable option.

  4. I agree with you guys that abortion is a tricky subject, but I believe it legalizing it in Brazil would be really beneficial. The Brazilian population is already very large, and many people live in poverty. This isn't helped by the fact that women can't get an abortion (unless it's illegal), and can instead go on to have more and more children, who are more people to feed, clothe, etc, and that puts the family in poverty. What if a woman gets pregnant on accident and doesn't want the child, so she ends up leaving him/her on the streets, and their life is terrible? It also puts more strain on the government because they have to deal with the issue of homeless children, and life is harder for everyone. I guess it all comes down to what you view is "life"; some people believe it's when the child is conceived, and some believe it's when they are actually born.

  5. I think abortion is a completely personal thing. The government should have no control over it. Would you rather have a child born into a family that cannot provide for them or put into a foster home or orphanage, or would you rather the child not be born at all?

  6. I think abortion is completely personal and up the the woman
