Monday, October 21, 2013

New Jersey makes gay marriage legal By: Eleanor E-W

New Jersey is now the 14th state to legalize gay marriage. The New Jersey state court ruled to legalize it today, and the governor is not going to fight it. While some people in New Jersey who do not support gay marriage are disappointed same-sex couples in New Jersey are overjoyed at the ruling.

As I personally support gay marriage, I'm happy about this. I think that this is a step in the right direction--for New Jersey and the United States.  I think it's nice that same-sex couples in New Jersey can finally get married! I hope that more states will legalize gay marriage in the future.



  1. I support gay marriage too. Nobody has the right to tell you who you can love and who you can marry. Hopefully the whole United States will allow gay marriage in the near future.

  2. i think this is very good GO NEW JERSEY!

  3. Cool. Marriage for all. Yeah. cool.

    I still can't believe this is a problem.
    Catch up America.

    Could be worse.

    We could be denying the fact that homosexuals exist.


  4. Even though it's a problem politically, people are starting to accept gay people more often.

  5. Good for New Jersey! The more states that do this the better!
