Monday, October 14, 2013

By Meggie Hunt: Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder calls for review of rape case

In a small town several months ago, a high school freshmen suffered sexual assault after having snuck out of the house. She was found in her yard with wet hair and few clothes which offered little protection from the below freezing temperatures. When her mother tried to warm her she noticed distinct markings signifying sexual assault. However when the family tried to get justice the people of the town as well as the sheriff refused to believe the accusations even though other victims stepped forward after hearing that they weren't the only ones to have been victimized. The family later left the town in order to escape the threats and the blatant victim shaming they were being subjected to.
It's sickening how often this happens, a young girl is raped and is blamed for what happened to her for idiotic reasons such as "she was drunk" or "she knew what she was doing" when the truth is that she was simply a victim. And the people who SHOULD be held responsible for their actions walk away with out even so much as shame. This is not the first time this has happened and this is certainly not the last time which is probably the worst aspect of this story, that fact that people will continue to slut/victim shame despite the evidence staring them straight in the face.

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