Monday, October 28, 2013

Brazil protests: Sao Paulo bus station attacked by Paige Kutschall

The high transport costs in San Paulo cause people to start protesting for free public transportation.  At first, it was just marches. But people went a far as to set a bus on fire, destroy cash, and vandalize ticket machines. Someone even threw a rock at a police officer. When Police came, protesters fled. 

The government is setting aside  $2.4 Billion to improve public transportation. 

I think that this is a cause that people should protest, but destroying things and setting the transportation on fire isn't helping anything. I think its great that the government is trying to improve the transportation conditions becuase it's obviously something that most people in Brazil care a lot about.

1 comment:

  1. I also think it's a great thing that the government is listening to its citizens and doing what is in the people's best interest. But I agree that the protestors' approach was unnecessarily destructive, especially since the government does seem to be trying to make things better.
