Monday, October 21, 2013


Yet another school  shooting has occurred, this time in Sparks, Nevada. The shooter was a student who fired a gun killing one teacher and injuring two students. After the death and injury of people standing by the young shooter took his own life. Parents came quickly to the scene seeming most hadn't gotten very far because this was before school. The elementary and middle schools are closed for the week. Both of the injured students are stable and recovering in the hospital and the teacher will be missed greatly everyone remembers him as a great man who would do anything for his students.

i think this is just plain awful because i can't imagine this happening at booker t or even my middle school!!!! this type of thing makes you look around you and realie how blessed you are to live and/or go to school in a safe place!



  1. I agree! I hope that the family of the teacher and injured students feel better soon, and that the school takes better safety precautions from now on to prevent this kind of thing reoccurring.

    1. I agree with you! It's hard to get over something like that!

  2. I can't belive another school shooting has already occured.It feels like a month since the last one. My question is : How did they boy have the gun and why?

    1. He supposedly got it from his parents or from their house. :,(

  3. There have been so many shootings lately. It seems like working out some kind of law to try and prevent this from happening should be a priority!

  4. America is a pretty swell place to live. When stuff like this happens, there are certain things that can be done. Hope may be one them. Lets hope this doesn't happen any time soon. It will happen again. But, lets hope somewhere else. Lets hope that no one gets hurt or dies. Lets hope something changes. Anything. Hope.

    Hearts out to the families of the 2 injured and the deceased.

  5. I hope everybody affected is ok! and it is scary how much people do bad things with guns

  6. I really wish there was more that schools and America in general could do to prevent these things from happening. But, unfortunately, we've done pretty much everything except for ban guns altogether, which could be disastrous as well. For now, though, I just hope more people come to their senses and stop all this completely unnecessary murdering of students and teachers. I hope the family and friends of the affected people are alright, and that the two children get better soon.

  7. Why does this child have to kill two other children before his own death! He's not gonna be a hero, all he's doing is dying with hatred! How can a person even become so depressed especially at 12! 12!
