Monday, December 12, 2016

Boy Dies in Santa's Arms -Alex Travell

.This past week, a terminally ill 5-year-old boy died in the arms of Santa. A nurse at the hospital said, "I have a very sick 5-year-old boy here, who wants to see Santa." Eric Schmitt-Matzen, the Santa, said he would be willing to pose as Santa to make the boy happy, for he matched Santa almost perfectly. While the boy was on Eric's lap, he told him about how he was dying and how he wouldn't know where he was. Eric's response to this was, "When you get there, tell them you're Santa's number one elf. At that moment, the boy died.

After reading this, I can't imagine the feeling of watching your son die in front of the arms of Santa. Also, I can't imagine how it felt for Eric to have an ill boy die in his arms. I mean, out of all the holidays, this horrible tragedy had to occur before Christmas, the happiest of the holidays.


  1. This is one of the saddest things I've heard in a while,but atleast the boy died getting what he wanted.

  2. This breaks my heart, both from the fact that he died and that he was probably so happy when he found out his dying wish came true. This makes me so sad, but at least the little boy was able to get his dying wish before he passed.
