Sunday, December 11, 2016

Cathedral in Cairo Bombed - Mila Fisher

Egypt's main Coptic Christian cathedral was bombed on Sunday, resulting in 25 casualties, and 35 wounded. This is believed to be one of the deadliest attacks on a religious minority in recent times. This attack followed another bombing that killed six policemen 2 days before. The attack was claimed by a shadowy group that authorities say may be linked to the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood. Groups like this (Islamic militants) have been known to target Christians in the past, for example in 2011, when they bombed a church in Alexandria on New Years Day, 2011, killing at least 21 people.
Egypt's official news claim that the bomb was lobbed into the chapel by an outside assailant, while witnesses claim that the bomb was planted inside of the chapel. Conflicting accounts are common after an event like this. This attack took place on a national holiday in Egypt; the birth of Islam's Prophet, Muhammad. Most of the casualties were women and children.
An event like this is truly sobering. The motive behind these attacks stems from hate, which stems from fear. Our world truly needs peace and love in times like this. We must stick with each other, and find happiness and hope even in the darkest of times, because that is the start to peace. Hope.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. It's one thing to bomb well.. anything, but it's another thing to bomb their place of worship.
