Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Mica Stout | Sleepy vs. Drunk drivers

According to The Washington Post's article, published December 6, 2016, drunk drivers and drivers who get no sleep are very similar. 35% of people get less then the recommended hours of sleep, so it is hazardous to society. The disease control and prevention centers also say that 12% of people admitted that they get five or less hours of sleep which isn't healthy at all. "The less sleep, the higher risk of a crash."

Lost of people are aware of the constant car crashes, almost 1 a day. It's completely unsafe for a person not to be fully awake and aware of the world around them. If half the people out on the roads were sleep deprived, then there's an even higher risk that a crash will happen. You can't count on a cup of caffeine to get you through the morning/day. It's easier to just be more productive during the day so you can get the sleep you need and stay healthy. You also can't rely on all these sugars to keep you going everyday.

Sleep-deprived drivers have plenty in common with drunk drivers - The Washington Post https://apple.news/AFWfAsNeMSamr4Iivezyq4w


  1. I agree that people should get the recommended hours of sleep. Both drunk drivers and drivers that don't have enough sleep really put peoples lives in danger. It would be better if people in this condition not drive at all for the time being.

  2. I would agree that people should get more sleep. But, people also shouldn't drink and drive , that's the main problem in this world and how people get killed.

  3. wow this is scary , for people who just wake up and drive. very dangerous

    1. Lots of people wake up and drive😂, but not getting enough sleep and then trying to drive is different.
