Monday, December 12, 2016

Pulse Ceremony by:Juliet Stowe

Pulse Ceremony:

As many people know over the summer an armed man walked into gay club "Pulse" and shot 49 patrons before killing himself. Now, at the sixth month anniversary of the Pulse Mass Shooting, the club holds a public moment of silence. This silence took place at 2:02 the time Omar Mateen shot widely into the crowd of LGTBQAI+ people. Laura Dewey, a women who had gone to the club for years, and lost friends in the shooting says "The sadness comes in the opportunity to grow, if you want to see love a million times come here, because love is the only thing written on this wall". Owner of the club says that plan to leave this location, to get away from the hard times this building has seen, but hasn't released where.

This holds significance to the world because it shows how many people truly care and support the LGTBQAI+ community. We live in a world that is disgusted by love because its not how they envisioned it. This goes to show that the world is changing and that with time we can become a more loving and accepting place for all sexualities and gender identities.

1 comment:

  1. This was very sad how a person can just come in the club and start shooting , once again that's sick. One of the people that survived talked about it and was published a few days after the event.
