Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Dodging bullets- Yari Collins

In Chicago children and families were caught in the crossfire of a shooting. Etyra Ruffin is 10 years old and her and her family were caught in the middle of a shoot out. She followed the rules they tell you in school: duck and cover. As soon as she heard the shots and got down on the ground and yelled it loud enough for her family inside the house could hear and know to get down. After the gun shots stopped she saw that a bullet grazed her arm but her father on the other end that was sitting on the porch with her was shot in the neck and other places. She automatically helped her father cause he had blood all over him.

This is so sad that kids have to witness this while they're little. It's already bad if an adult has to go through it so a kid having to go through this is worse.



  1. That's so heartbreaking! But amazing how a 10 year stood up and did such an adult thing

  2. Its upsetting that Chicago is such a beautiful city, but the crime rates are so high. Having to go something like this as a child can be so traumatic and I hope they recover.

  3. So sad this happened, things have to change.
