Monday, December 12, 2016

logan mook current event 5

Terminally ill boy dies in Santa's arms

A terminally ill boy aged 5 years old died within the arms af a santa clause impersonator, as his wish was to meet santa. Schmitt-Matzen, a local santa impersonator in the Knoxville region, kept this small boy comforted and told him it will be ok. this man is a hero
who granted a small boy one last wish. i give my condolences to those who lost this child, and use this experience as a reminder that goodwill still exists. 
use this as a story of positivity, and find the silver lining.

1 comment:

  1. I read about this when it happened and this was such a sad story but, it was amazing that the boy got to see Santa and wasn't scared in the end .
