Since he won the election, Trump has done nothing to contribute to the growth of our great country. Him and his cabinet are so caught up in screwing around, and creating problems in their own lives, that they have forgot their responsibilities.
Trump continues to ask past political figures for advice relating to running a country.
He's constantly insulting countries and public figures, and it's getting out of hand. So out of hand, that he recently had a Twitter war with China, and I believe this will eventually lead to war.
Considering his actions in the past, and the amount of times he has gone bankrupt, I don't think it is a good idea to put the fate of our country in his hands.
Why can't that immature freak stop basking in the glory of the election, grow a pair, and lead his country?
I really hope he can get it together because most likely, we will have to deal with him for the next four years.