Protestors of the Dakota Acess Pipeline celebrated at the federal court ruling against the project. But it's not over, as the presidential elect, Donald Trump, has expressed his support in the project and had actually invested stock into the project near the beginning. Recipe toy the number of people in the protest cap has grown as many U.S veterans joined the people there. The U.S Army Corps. Of Engineers stated that they were to look into other possible routs for the pipeline, but another possible route crosses the Missouri River.
I don't know how to really feel about this, because I know little of how the completion of the pipeline affects the people protesting. But if they are protesting, it's not for just any reason. Obviously it affects the people durastically and should honestly be taken into consideration to change this. I believe it's not worth it to ruin someone else's lives just because of a pipeline. Does our invionrment really need any more stress?
There could be two outcomes because of this. Either this could e a terrible decision, and everything could go wrong, or it could benefit society greatly.