Sunday, May 19, 2013

Donald Trump: Obama must 'start chopping, chopping strong' at IRS_Breanne Moreno

Billionaire business man, Donald Trump said on Friday that President Barrack Obama needed to "Start chopping and chopping strong" at the IRS to restore credibility to the beleagured agency after revelations that it targeted conservative groups. On Fox news, Donald Trump told Nel Cavuto that if Barrack Obama does not start firing immediately, it is going to get worse and worse. "I want to apologize on behalf of the Internal Revenue Service for the mistakes that we made and the poor service we provided," Miller said, amid heavy criticism by lawmakers from both parties. "The affected organizations and the american public deserve better."
"Partisanship and even the perception of partisanship have no place at the internal Revenue Service," Miller said. Trump told Cavuto that the IRS scandel was the worst of the three currently facing the Obama white House. Under Obamacare, 47 seperate provisions require IRS involvement. It is the second-largest agency, after the Department of health and Human Services, charged with impelling the healthcare act. The IRS is charged with administrating Obamacare's required purchase of health coverage and checking weather millions of Americans are in compliance. Trump reiterated to Cavuto his longstanding opposition to the Affordable Care Act. "Obamacare is turning out to be a catastrophe, in terms of its complexity, in terms of business, in terms of a lot of things," he said. Therefore i completely agree with Donald Trump.

1 comment:

  1. Obamacare has seemed to have caused a lot of trouble.
