Monday, May 6, 2013

Australia Arrests Head of Hacking Group by Elaine Hennig

The Australian federal police arrested the head of a prominent hacking group, known as Lulzsec. The group is known for being responsible for a cyberattack that shuts down the CIA's public website in 2011. The leader, a 24-year-old Australian citizen, was arrested in connection with an attack on an Australian government website. The Australian government believes that this man's skills and actions are a threat to society, and he will face at least 10 years for hacking related charges. Lulzsec is an online community of hackers. The group, however, differs from many hackers in that it claims to be motivated by ideals rather than money. they have previously organized cyberattacks in retaliation for efforts to shut down certain websites.

It's good that the Australian government was able to arrest this man. This is definitely good progress since he is the leader of a prominent hacking group. He and his group have been threatening some major organizations. Hopefully his arrest will hinder some of the cyberattacking being done by this group, and maybe lead to the arrest of more of its members.

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