Sunday, September 22, 2013

1.3 tons of cocaine found on a plane by Bette Rathjen

1.3 tons and $270 million of cocaine were found on an airplane from Venezuela to France on September 11. The french officials don't know who the cocaine belonged to because there was no name on the 30 suitcases that arrived at the airport.

I personally think that it is just gross that there would be 30 anonymous suitcases of cocaine on a plane because I think any use of drugs is bad. I think it is weird how somebody would bring that much cocaine on a plane and just leave it at the airport, or why somebody would want that much cocaine. I also think it is creepy that that much cocaine could be on a plane and neither Venezuelan or French officials would know who it belonged to or why anybody would have that much. Several other nations are helping with the investigation to find out who it belonged to but the owner is still unknown. I hope they find the mysterious owner of the cocaine because nobody should get away with that.

1 comment:

  1. This is a pretty crazy story. I'm not sure who uses these drugs, but I feel like the illegality of them is not detering them at all.
