Monday, September 23, 2013

Suicide Bomber Attack Kills Christians in Pakistan - by Frances Garnett

78 people were killed, and 130 injured, on Sunday when two Taliban suicide bombers attacked a church in Pakistan. It was the deadliest attack in the country’s history. The Jandullah group (part of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, an Islamic militant group, not directly related to the Taliban) claimed they were responsible for this attack, which they did in retaliation of US drone strikes, and went on to say that they will continue violence against non-Muslims until the strikes are discontinued. This group had already been responsible for two other attacks. Christians across the country are now protesting. In Peshawar, the city of the attack, they have blocked roads and burned tires, dead bodies and police uniforms. The Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the attack, saying it was against Islamic teachings and that it was wrong to target innocent people. Three days of mourning have now been announced.

It's interesting to read articles from other countries to get another perspective of a conflict, because then you don't just get the victim or the at-fault side. However, after looking at articles about this from CNN and Aljazeera as well as from the Times of India, all parties are in agreement that this was horrible tragedy. The article (see source) called the attack "brazen" and said that "People soaked in blood wailed for help as bodies lay strewn in the church's courtyard.” It’s actually very relieving to hear that the world is in agreement that this kind of bloodshed is wrong. Innocent people, including a Muslim policeman guarding the church, died, which goes to show that no matter what, violence is not the answer and will have negative consequences. But you do have to look at the United States drone strikes to find if they maybe had a reason to attack people. Unfortunately, I don’t have any prior knowledge of the reasoning to have these strikes, but even if I did, I would probably say that that is wrong as well. This article is significant in our lives because it shows us how ridiculous violence is. I am confused that the TTP attacked Christians, their own people, instead of Americans. But we need to stop turning to violence as well to solve problems, because we are also no doubt killing innocent civilians with our own strikes and attacks.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my. How terrible. I hope the families will get by. When things like this happen, all you can do is mourn. And wait.
