Monday, September 30, 2013

the rare triplets: Reagan Leslie

Recently, A woman and her husband,had three unexpected identical baby girls. Karen Gilbert, 32, had a C-section with her daughters two months early and they spent six weeks in intensive care. After the babies stayed there for six weeks, the babies FFfion, Maddison and Paige were ready to go home. When the babies were first here, they could fit in one hand. "They're started to feel like they're our own. This story is very inspiration because things happen like that every day. Things like abortions, pre-mature babies that don't live very long, and etc. I truly believe that they're going to stay together and be one big happy family


  1. source:

  2. That's really neat.I'm glad the babies are all alright; I wonder if the Mom was taking a medication that made her more likely to have multiples (like lots of people who have more than two kids at once) or if it was naturally occuring.

  3. That's really neat.I'm glad the babies are all alright; I wonder if the Mom was taking a medication that made her more likely to have multiples (like lots of people who have more than two kids at once) or if it was naturally occuring.

  4. i really think this is cool cause i think twins are cool so TRIPLETS? yeah i really like the names chosen for the girls.
