Sunday, September 29, 2013

It's Our Favorite Color,0,4201273.htmlstory

Gabriela and Benigo Ireta could not have children. When the doctor put hormone injections into Gabriela, hoping at least two would be fertilized, four other eggs also bloomed. The sextuplets stayed in San Diego until they were six, because their parents were not born in the U.S. Benigo stayed because his job allowed him to, while Gabriela took the children to Guadalajara, Mexico. The children have many questions like, "Why do people call us gringos (white people from America)?"They miss their father and don't understand why they can't see him. They speak english when they count and prefer football over soccer, Mexico's favorite sport. Benigo is building a house for his children off of the money he gets for painting houses. In fact, the only way he could afford to pay for the hormone injections, was by painting the doctor's house because she was the one who really paid for it. When the sextuplets were asked about the house, they said, "He's painting it white, our favorite color."

I think anyone who wants to have children and anyone who wants to come to the U.S., should do so. I don't understand why the government and some of it's citizens wouldn't want immigrants to come to our country. When people complain about immigrants taking jobs, it's usually because that job is so low down and dirty that americans are either too lazy, or too stuck-up to take the job. This country is made of immigrants, except for the Native Americans, who were cruelly killed off by the English and Spanish. I don't understand why the government is mad that people want to come here. I would understand if people didn't want to come here, but they do. We should be privileged that people actually want to come to the Land of the Cheeseburgers and Home of Extremely Obese. It's not just Mexicans. People all over the world want to escape their countries for religious, political, social, and economic reasons, too. Isn't that what the first settlers came here for?

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