Saturday, September 21, 2013

Arctic sea ice reaches seasonal low Andrew Tunell

The Ice near Greenland has melted extensively past the  1981-2010 averages, this proves some of the theories of global warming. The ice melted less than it has in the past ten years but is still much below where it was in 1980. Scientists speculate that if the ice keeps melting during the summers at this rate the arctic ice will have melted by 2060

The importance of this is that if we keep helping global warming and if we don't take action to stop in most of the worlds land will be covered with water. This will cause food shortages and mass death. I think this is a serious problem that we need to fix.

1 comment:

  1. I agree; this us extremely serious. It's scary to think that part if life as we know it is coming to an end. And if we had food shortages, that would be especially bad because of our huge population. People need to stop being so myopic and only thinking of convenience if global warming is going to be fought.
