Monday, September 23, 2013

Teenage Cannibalism by Polly Hynds-Riddle

A 13 year old and a 14 year old have been arrested after beating one's mother with original plans to eat her liver. the woman was found after being left by the two boys, she told the authorities that the boys had taken some "blue pills" which are definitely a hallucinogen. The boys left the house only to steal the 14 year old's father's car, commit a hit-and-run and rob a house. After the robbery an officer saw the two teens fleeing the scene and arrested them. the boys have been charged with "second-degree assault, taking a motor vehicle without permission, residential burglary , second-degree malicious mischief and hit-and-run"

i think the boys should nor have taken the pills but they did then it seems like the mother saw the two taking thew pills so it seems likes she could have stopped it. the boys stole the father's car which was obviously easily taken without the farther's notice. Overall i think there could have been more to prevent the things that happened.


  1. Wow that's really creepy. I agree with what you said, steps could have definitely been taken to stop this from happening!

  2. This is pretty messed up! I think it was partially the fault of the drug, and also the parent. If she had really seen the boys taking the pills, she should have intervened! It's sad that they're going to prison for so long, but at least they are learning their lesson.

  3. Oh my, thats disgusting, but I feel bad for those boys because theyre going to miss pretty much all of their teen years behind bars, just because they popped a few pills. I mean, obviously they should have known not to take pills, especially if theyre not labeled, but that mom needs to spend time too if she left them take the pills.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The boys obviously deserve what they got. I am extremely against drugs, and I believe that if people are willing to take them even after they've been told not to, they deserve to learn their lesson the hard way. But I too believe that if the mother had seen them taking the pills and yet they still did, something was wrong with the whole thing. There must be something we don't know, and I'm curious as to what it is. But hopefully the mother, father, and teens learn their lessons and can prevent anything like this from happening again.
