Saturday, September 28, 2013

New drug to combat bee deaths- Julianne Swaykus
     Scientists believe to have discovered a new medicine to protect bees against diseases in the US and Europe. The medicine consists of made from "lactic acid bacteria from the stomachs of healthy bees-- which they described as a major "boost" to bees' immune system and are hopeful that it could slow down the rate at which bees are dying." Researchers have worked on this for 10 years and are going to launch it at an annual meeting in Russian on Saturday. Some of the main factors of a bees immune system deteriorating are pesticides, parasites, stress and poor nutrition. 
    I am so glad that they have found a cure, because the bee population is decreasing drastically... I am personally very afraid or all insects (especially bees) but it is a very good thing that they have found a medicine to keep the bee population stable. 


  1. This is great that they found a cure for bees, but how can this benefit humans? Also, how can they give soooo many vaccines to tiny insects. It's kind of hard, to get every little bee on the earth a vaccine, and very time consuming.

  2. This is awesome. I LOVE honey and without it, I will DIE. Joking. But seriously bees help a lot with the way they help plants. this can cause drastic changes to the environment if they die off. I'm just glad they found a solution quickly.

  3. I hope it works because bees are incredible!!!!!!
