Monday, September 23, 2013

Pope has some surprising things to say by Eleanor E-W

Recently the Pope was interviewed. In the interview he said some very surprising things. He stated that he believed the church should not focus as much on gay marriage, abortion, and contraception.  The previous Pope was much more focused on these things and was interested in spending a lot of time teaching and enforcing them. While the current Pope, Pope Francis, is not all for gay marriage or abortion he believes in being less judgmental and focusing on more important issues.

I think this is really good! I’m a Catholic, and I think this is a step in the right direction for the church. I didn’t really like the last Pope because of how focused he was on being anti-gay and not on addressing more important problems in the world. I hope Pope Francis can change some of the views of the Catholic church.



  1. I agree! I think in any religion, it's better to focus on what you believe when it comes to whatever higher being you do or do not worship, not on what groups of people to hate.

  2. This is wonderful! If you think of how many wars there have been because of disagreements over religion, it's just great to see this "agree to disagree" kind of attitude. This new pope seems to be shaking things up a bit, but in a good way, so that the church can adapt and survive in today's world.
