Monday, September 30, 2013

Selfies too sexy?? JULIA WOLTJEN

SUMMARY: Some parents are starting to become concerned about kids and their "sexy" selfies. They say that they some of the pictures posted are too mature for them and that they don't want their kids to be exposed to these photos. Some may even say that they are sexting and completely inappropriate.

ANALYSIS: Personally I think that some of these selfies should be monitored more, but you can't control everything. And I think that your personal rights shouldn't be messed with, I mean do what you want to do. I mean parents can't control other people's kids...that's ridiculous! So I'm kind of on both sides for this one.


  1. I think that anything kids send picture wise should be sent to our parents phone, that way they know exactly what we are sending.

  2. I can't believe I'm saying this, but parents do need to check their child's phone because anything can happen to them and you know nothing about it.

  3. I agree i am kinda on both sides with this one cause people should be allowed to send anything they want but these are kids so the should probably be a little more censored.

  4. I agree with this, but like Polly I am on both sides. I think that certain activity should be monitored at a young age, but that once the child is older it should be alright.

  5. Honestly I don't think all kids should've punished for something other kids do. It's not fair for the kids that are responsible to face the consequences of a kid that's irresponsible and send inappropriate pictures.

  6. I think that if a parent is concerned about what kids post and feel like something must be done, they should just keep watch of their own children.
