Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cops shot 2 bystanders on Broadway- Julianne Swaykus

   All of this started a block from Times Square shortly after 9:30. A crazed middle aged man named Glen Broadnax, who people believed to have been on narcotics or bath salts, was running around in the middle of  intersection of Eighth Avenue and 42nd Street. While the police were trying to calm him down, he reached into his pocket as if he were grabbing a gun. He briskly pulled his hand out and pretended like he had a gun and was going to shoot. The police on the job were rookies, so they paniced and accidentally shot 2 female bystanders outside of the Port Authority Bus Terminal. "Theodora Ray, 54, was struck in her leg — breaking two bones in her calf — as she stood leaning on her four-wheeled walker across from the terminal; Sahara Khoshakhlagh, 35, was grazed in her buttocks." Police finally took Broadnax down with a taser.

   In my opinion, the police should've had more experience policeman do this job. I feel so bad about the ladies who were shot, and I am glad that they had a quick recovery. They could've handled this situation a lot better but in the end at least they caught Broadnax.

1 comment:

  1. I agree; they needed to have better policemen for this. I am glad they got the situation all sorted out, though. I hope those two poor ladies are okay.
