Sunday, September 15, 2013

A New Van Gogh by Anna Pickett

     A new Vincent Van Gogh painting has been discovered nearly 120 years after the artist's death. The painting, titled "Sunset at Montmajour," was apparently done in 1888. During Van Gogh's lifetime, he was greatly underappreciated. He received little to no recognition and committed suicide when he was 37. He was finally recognized after his suicide. The story of the discovery hasn't been released yet, but will be published in a magazine soon.
     I'm really happy that they found a new Van Gogh painting. He truly was a magnificent artist. I find it awful that he received no recognition for his art. If he could see how everyone treats his art and how thrilled everyone is treating the news of "Sunset at Montmajour," he would probably be proud of himself and would have a stronger self confidence.


  1. I love Van Gogh's work. It's really sad how that seems to happen to all great artists, though. They never get any recognition until they die. It's sad that this is the way the world works.

    1. I totally agree, many composers and artists only become famous from a few, to hundreds of years after they die. If only they would know they'd become famous...

  2. I find it amazing that something like this was hidden for all of these years, but things like this often.

  3. It's amazing how Van Gogh's works are still being discovered. I wonder if in a few years or just in the future his works will continue to be discovered?

  4. That is the state of the art my dear. There's always more. and thats great. I love how we're still going through this today. Life's been good to me. What a time to be alive. Van Gogh still releasing work, and we are here to see it! I just love how this has turned out.
