Monday, March 11, 2013

Al Qaeda Blames Itself for the Attack on the Syrian Convoy By: Nina Bharadwaj

     Al Qaeda is taking the blame for the Syrian Armies' Convoy being destroyed in the western part of Iraq. This destruction killed about 48 Syrians and nine Iraqi soldiers.  On Monday, the military group in Iraq showed the public the statement on jihadist forms.
     This group is stating that it came between the Syrian Convoy while the Syrian troops were going to the secret camps that were given to them by the government in Iraq. The military group has said that everyone in the convoy was killed. This destructive attack has raised new awareness and concerns that the civil war in Syria could spill and start to happen all over Iraq.
     Ali al-Mussawi, an adviser to the Prime minister in Iraq, Nuri al- Maliki, said last week "From the beginning, we have warned that some militant groups want to move the conflict in Syria to Iraq. Militant groups are very active on the border areas between Iraq and Syria." He has commented that many of the dead Syrians that have been killed in the attack had received medical treatment earlier, in Iraq. Apparently, they were injured in a battle at the Yaarabiya-Rabia border crossing. In Iraq, the point is called Rabia, yet in Syria the point has the name of Yaarabiya.
     Many Syrian soldiers took refuge in Iraq. They surrendered to that country's army after rebels took over the Yaarabiya post, on March 1st, said officials in Iraq. They said that the convoy had been going to the al-Waleed border from Rabia, crossing in Iraq's Anbar province when the attack happened. The United Nations of the world, have guessed that about 70,000 people have died in this war.
Analysis: The authors of this article, Salma Abdelaziz and Ed Payne have written this article to show what has happened in Syria, war wise, and what could possibly happen in the future. The main idea of this article is that the Al Qaeda claim is appearing on jihadist forms, the Syrian convoy was attacked by gunmen, and this violence has caused worries of war spillage into Iraq. There was no biased in this article. Most everything was just facts. There was no view being taken into consideration over the other.
I think this is terrible. I really hope that this war doesn't spill into Iraq because that would just cause more issues. I feel so bad for everyone that was killed in the convoy because they are just innocent people. I hate hearing about so many disasters. I hope there is a solution to everything soon.


  1. It's sad that so many innocent people were killed.

  2. This is horrible! So many lives lost for no reason at all..

  3. I can't believe this happened, and that so many innocent lives were taken because of it.
