Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hannah Menchu - Sri Lanka Matale mass grave 'dates from late 1980s'

A mass grave holding 150 bodies was found in Sri Lanka this past November.  Investigation continues as to the age and reason for this grave.  Archaeologists believe the grave is from the late 1980s when leftist insurgents, JVP, launched a failed revolution.   The grave was first uncovered during construction work on the Matale district hospital.  The positioning of the bodies and the location lead investigators to feel this is the site of a crime and not a regular place of burial.  Matale was the center of an insurgency by the Sinhalese group called JVP in the late 1980s.  Thousands of people were rounded up and disappeared.   Leaders today want a thorough investigation and perpetrators to be brought to justice.

This is a very sad sorry of events that happened in recent history.  I can’t imagine living somewhere with so much violence.

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