Monday, March 18, 2013

New Leaders making Changes in China- Margaret Canady

On Sunday, newly confirmed President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Kequiang of China addressed the Chinese citizens about the government's visions for the future. Both leaders are embracing the idea of a fairer nation and a more frugal government, promising economic growth that is not at the cost of the environment.

In his speech, Xi spoke crisp Mandarin, promoting his desire to get rid of traditional "jargon" in official texts, which would allow everyone to comprehend the laws. He promised citizens in the Great Hall of the People that he and the government will pursue the "Chinese dream", as well as "rejuvenate" the nation and push the idea of socialism.

After Xi's speech, Premier Li gave a news conference that issued the conflict over Chinese hackers. Recently, US networks have been targeted by Chinese hackers, but Li emphasized that China and the US need to keep friendly relations and hacking is a "worldwide problem". In addition, he said their aim is to create a fairer country, allowing anyone who is clear and honest to be on the same "playing field". He addressed the need to narrow the gap between rural and urban areas. Li also repeated Xi's comments on reducing government spending, and redirecting the money towards China's social infrastructure.

The goals of China's new leaders sound promising and optimistic. It seems like Xi and Li want to change China for the better, and create a nation where the citizens trust the government. This article makes me wonder what the "Chinese dream" is. Maybe socialism in China will begin to adapt into more of a mixed market system?


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