Friday, March 29, 2013

Fire in Mumbi Factory-Faith Barnes

In Mumbi five people were killed in a fire at a factory and three were injured. the fire started after an explosion in a chemical factory in the Andnri area on a Friday morning. Nobody knows wha causes the explosion. A local resident who lives near the factory woke up after hearing the explosion and "saw a lot of smoke". Although the explosion who not on purpose it is so sad to hear about people dying just by doing an everyday job, and not only that but what those peoples family's are feeling.



  1. It is awful that people have to die because they were trying to make our lives better. These people know what risks and dangers may come of their job, yet they take it anyways because that may be the only way for them to support their families. I want to know what caused the explosion, so that next time people can be more aware of the atmosphere of where they are working so that this doesn't happen again.

  2. This is a terrible event. Those poor people who were killed or injured while at work. I wonder if the factory had safety standards in place? What could have been done to prevent this accident?

  3. Factory life is so dangerous and risky. It's sad that those people were killed working in there.
