Wednesday, November 30, 2016

11/14/16 Anne Frank Poem Found- Theresa Dvorocsik

A rare handwritten poem by Anne Frank (known to millions through the diary she kept while in hiding during the Nazi round-up of Jews) was sold Wednesday at auction for 140,000 euros ($148,000) in the Netherlands.
The poem, also signed by Anne Frank, was written in the "friendship book" of Christiane "Cri-Cri" van Maarsen, the older sister of Frank's best friend, Jacqueline van Maarsen, according to auction house Bubb Kuyper in the city of Haarlem.

This is so interesting that on piece of writing done by a 15-year-old can cost so much. Although it is Anne Frank, it still is a cool inspiration


  1. Wow! It's amazing that they found yet another written document that made such an impact on so many people. Especially when she was the same age as someone like me and other freshmen.

  2. It is great how this poem was found. Wow! It was written and signed by Anne Frank! I do agree that it is quite valuable. I do not think that it should have been sold at an auction. I think it should have been placed in a museum for everybody to see.

  3. It amazing to think that she once wondered why "anybody would take interest into the chatterings of a silly 13 year old school girl." Yet here she is still known for her amazing diary and yet another inspiring and expensive document.
