Monday, November 14, 2016

Super Moon - Mila Fisher

The supermoon this year is the brightest in almost 70 years. NASA reports say that this will be a record supermoon. The last supermoon that sailed this close to earth was on Jan. 26, 1948, when it came 30 miles closer. The next supermoon to come that close will be on Nov. 24, 2034, where it will be 40 miles closer. "Supermoon" is a non technical term for the event when a moon turns full at the same time it travels closest to earth.
A moon like this is a beautiful example of science and the universe. The fact that this event has been happening for millions of years before we've been alive, is fascinating, and it will continue to happen long after we're gone. It puts into perspective how short we've been on this earth, and how small the things we perceive as huge problems are.


  1. Wow it's amazing how sometimes we don't even think about what's going on around us and how it's been going on for ages and will continue for many years to come that's pretty interesting

  2. I was so excited to hear and remember about the super moon. It's such a big part of who we are and it adds to the greatness that is earth (sometimes)

  3. This super moon is quite amazing. I definitely agree this is a great example of science and the universe. I always thought that the moon, planets and everything about what is far beyond earth is an interesting subject. Personally, it makes me realize how big the universe and space is and how small our world is. I like the idea of how this event has been occurring even before we have been alive and how little we actually know about the world we live in today and what is beyond earth itself.
