Saturday, November 26, 2016

Grayson Lesley - Milburn Current Events #13

Recently a team of researchers went underwater to investigate the site of a wrecked WWII ship. There, they found the ship and captured footage that will be remembered for a really long time,
The ship was apart of the league of battleships sent out during Pearl Harbor.

I believe this current event fits into World History because everything we do is part of World History in a way. Future generations will look back at what we did and what we accomplished just like we do now. It is important for us as humans to remember that we one day will be remembered as a generation. It is vital for us to represent ourselves well in what we do, what we stand for and how we act.

The video/link is attached up above

1 comment:

  1. Maybe with this discovery we'll get better understanding of what happened.Maybe we'll even learn something new.
