Sunday, November 6, 2016

Beijing interferes with Hong Kong politics By Jules stowe

Beijing officials recently interpreted a portion of Hong Long law, in a way it was not intended to mean. What use to mean something entirely different now means that anyone who does not take the oath can not serve in office. This act followed weeks of brutal debates in the Hong Kong Lesgistrature. Several protests took place in an effort to revoke the newer ruling that Beijing has created. In the uproar this event has caused, people urge Hong Kong to sever ties witg China entirely.

This is important today because China is going to be one of the leaders in economic and technological advances one day, and it would be very helpful to keep track of the current event taking place there. Furthermore, if China and Hong King were to shun each other it would mean possibly hostile feelings  amongst the two areas. Both of these greatly impact the modern world, and are nessisary to keep up with.

1 comment:

  1. Why would they do such of a thing that's how wars get started
