Saturday, November 12, 2016

Grace Biltz - Week 12 Post

Can a dead man win an election? Well, it happened in Oceanside, California. Gary Ernst was elected city treasurer even though he died in 68 days efore the election. His opponent, Nadine Scott, has publically said that she does not agree with the results and feels she should be appointed to the position. Scott lost the election by a vote of 17,659 votes to 15,500 votes.
Jerry Kern, a popular councilman, told voters to choose Ernst so that he could then hand-pick a successor. Kern wants to put a a fellow Republican in the position.
Ernst was kept on the ballot since he died so close to the election and Oceanside decided that the ballot shall remain unchanged. Scott is filing a formal complaint with the California Fair Political Practices Commision.

I do not believe that a dead man should be allowed to be elected since they can't take that position and are no longer living. The laws should be changed so this doesn't happen again. I also think that people voted for Gary Ernst because he was a man. In my opinion, Nadine Scott wasn't elected because she is a woman and some people think that men can do a better job.



  1. I find it very very odd that they decided to keep a dead man on the ballot. Hopefully Scott will be able to fix the situation so she can get the position that she deserves!

  2. I hope Scott can get the position, although its confuses me on how they left a dead man on the ballot.

  3. I don't understand why a dead man would be on the ballot.I hope Scott can fix all that has happened.

  4. People are so unreasonable. A dead man filling a spot, that he can't really do, because he isn't alive? Hmm well I hope the situation gets resolved because you can't do something if you aren't alive at the moment.

  5. It is so odd and unreasonable to put a dead man on the ballot

  6. It's an odd concept, but hey, it's politics. Hopefully it will be set straight.
