Monday, November 7, 2016

Elle Holland Current Event #10

Right now, New Dehli is the most polluted city in the entire world. At the moment, fresh air doesn't even exist there. A few parts of the city report smog levels that are almost five times worse than those considered "unhealthy" by the US Environmental Protection Agency.  Research released earlier in the year says that the level of air quality exceeds World Health Organizations guidelines for 80%of those living in urban areas. On sunday, hundreds of people gathered and protested, posting on twitter using the slogan #MyRightToBreathe. the weekend saw the closing of over 5,000 schools and all construction work put on pause for the next three days.

I think it is important for the entire world to start trying to make better choices in order to help the environment as a whole and preserve our world for many ears to come. However at the rate we are going right now, I doubt we will lat more than a few more generations which is not very long at all. This is important to history because it shows how much we have not been focusing on pollution and the harm we are doing to the world around us.


  1. I never knew that there was such a thing as polluted cities. I agree with you and I think we need to find better ways to not pollute our earth so the next generations can have clean air to breathe.
