Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Presidential Election by Madeline Cedillo 3rd period

The Presidential Election
By Madeline Cedillo
November 15,2016

Everyone is asking how Donald Trump got to presidency.There has been very different opinion on the presidential election and what will happen to the country.There has been very different protest about this and many people are fighting back against this "president". Here are some of the things that he is planning to do.He wants to take Obama care,fake medical state care,stop abortion,deport people back to their home countries,and "make America great again.I personally think this is a great time of fear in America.



  1. This election is totally twisted .

  2. Not to raise any arguments, but I certainly do not support Trump. I can't believe that he became president! What he says about "make America great again" tells us that he doesn't think that America is in a good position. I agree this is a time of fear in America, however, there is strong hope in some people where they think Trump said some of these awful things just to be president. I am with these people and hope Trump doesn't cause chaos.
