Monday, November 7, 2016

Candidate Views For Space Exploration

November 7th, 2016
Olivia Martin

Political views on plans for space exploration aren't a heavy weighing factor for voting. Earth sciences have become a more political matter in the past few years, primarily because of the issue of climate change within our country. Republican officials in the Senate have been trying to move NASA's studies away from the Earth, which relates directly to their doubt of climate change, unlike the Democratic party.

These Earth-study programs help us better understand the causes of melting ice, altering ocean chemistry, and the warming atmosphere. It's clearly not the most important factor when it comes to electing leaders, but they do need to have some sort of knowledge about space exploration and programs in the future.


  1. Yes if your a leader you should know everything thing are one little mistake can ruin everything

  2. Don't get me wrong, I love space travel and exploration of the stars, but shouldn't we be healing our own planet before rushing off to find new ones that we can't even live on?
