Thursday, November 17, 2016

Josh Nash post


Debra king, age 56, is charged for murder after leaving a severely disabled man in a hot car for 5 hours. She will be facing prison for a minimum of 20 years. She said that she was so tired so she just left him in her car. Firefighters say that the car got up to 150 degrees.


This is so sad. Especially because she left this poor man in the car because she was tired. We can tie this back and look at the Emperor Nero, he burned and tortured Christians because he has no heart and was a terrible leader. We can see this woman in the same place as him but not nearly as cruel and gruesome.


  1. This is absolutely unacceptable. Just because she claimed to be tired doesn't mean she should have left this man in the car. I do believe she got what she deserved. I can't imagine being in a car at that high of a temperature.

  2. That is horrible. I am glad she is serving a prison sentence for that. That is not something you do. It's not human, even if you are "tired"

  3. This is terrible! The man was the woman's responsibility, so she should have taken care of him.
